Redefine beautiful!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giola per la Vita!

"Just because I'm gorgeous and wear expensive baubles doesn't mean I am happy, il mi amore!"
I had been in un atteggiamento negativo (in a negative attitude) for too long.  E tempo per un adeguaento!  (I was thinking negative and needed an adjustment.)

I actually tried to find my giola per la vita (joy of life) from a sunflower.   It kept growing.  I didn't.

Anervo bisoguondi mouservi rapidamente!  (I needed to move quickly.)

Run, little Debra, run!  (And for gosh sakes, wipe that silly grin off your mouth!)

Troppo tempo concentrato su me stresso.  (Too much time focused on myself!)

"O solo mia, I raised two boys through a difficult storm.  When will it be my turn to relax!"
(Small violin playing concerto in A minor:  Soooo Whaaaaaaattttt...!!) 

A ha!  (Ah ha!)

Ohhhhh!!  (hee hee)
\  oops

Thus, my meditation:  O Whah Tad Aumm Aa Siam!!  
                                  (Oh what a dumb-ass I am!)

I have no clue how I managed to get this one and only shot of the cheer squad, a promotional for  the upcoming movie, "Megamind" with Will Ferrell and Tina Fey.  I caught them practicing before going on stage at "LA Live!"  Amazing bodies.

Ottinere su di nesso!  Cosi sia!  Non pensarci!  Stai zitto!  Viva la tua vita!  Si vive una volta sola!
Get over it!  Let it go.  Stop ruminating.  Shut up, (already).  Live YOUR life.  You only Live once.

When in doubt, take a staycation!  (Thanks Fiona of "How to be Chic", great post!)
When you project possible negative outcomes, you are living in the future.  When you ponder the 'what ifs', you live in the past.  Try to stay present, even for just a few hours a day.  Predicting something bad or a somewhat constant focus on past mistakes only keep you from una giornata favolosa (thanks for this reminder, Adrienne, Rich Life)!


  1. Thanks for the reminder Debra...I have been in a negative mood lately and I too need an attitude adjustment. I told my husband this weekend that we need to start doing more fun stuff, we have been too frugal!

    But tonight I get to watch my favorite comedies, The Middle and Modern Family and tomorrow Big Bang Theory!!! Those always get me out of my funk!


  2. No negative moods!! Life is too short and too wonderful to be negative. It is fall (I love, colors, pumpkins) and days are growing shorter. Sometimes that gets me a little funky but my hubby made a big pot of yummy soup and that always makes the shorter, colder nights better! Feel better. You are appreciated and loved! I'm soooo grateful you're in my life.

  3. Linda,
    I have heard Modern Family is hilarious and there is nothing like laughter to get us back on track! And, yes, I have been on a strict budget while I pay through the nose for my son's education and I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. (Hey, the way I look at it, maybe they will have a good job one day!)

    It is people like you who truly set a standard of attitude. I know we all feel funky sometimes, but when I am around refreshingly real and caring people like yourself, the gremlin in me is put to rest. Thank you for your thoughtful words. (And hasn't it been just beautiful!)
