Redefine beautiful!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

33 Days to Fit and Fabulous

Irish oatmeal with fruit and a bit of cream.

Begin a your week with a breakfast that satisfies and provides nutrition.  Wear clothing that loves your body.  Look into the amazing lives of your friends, co-workers and family with a new perspective.  See life as new and renewable.

Greek yogurt and homemade plum sauce.

Organize more of the areas you weren't able to finish this weekend.  And, the rest of the week, organize your most used spaces:  Office, car, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.  Get rid of what has been sitting around the last few months, it is only irritating.  I recently got rid of a huge stack of professional fitness magazines I hadn't nor wanted to read.  They just made me feel like a loser every time I looked at them.  I finally let clients take what they wanted and I recycled the rest.  Out of site, I have freedom to read what I want!  Making small changes in your spaces will open new doors to reinventing your new self these next 33 days.  It is liberating!

Drink water, doctored water (adding mint, ginger, lemon, cucumber, etc.), tea (herb, white, green or black).  Drink more than you have been.  Don't think, just drink.

Exercise a bit more intensely this week.  No excuses.  Perhaps do two or three rounds of my video and or add the exercise below instead of the push-ups.  Again, don't let the voice of unreasoning infiltrate your sensibilities!  It is time to challenge yourself.

Begin on all fours then lift knees to go into plank. Then to a side plank.

Back to plank then to push-up.  It is definitely OK to go to your knees for the push-up.
Back up to plank then turn knee under body trying to keep your butt low.  Repeat for the other side.  Do 5 to 10 reps

Calories Count but I abhor having to count calories.  The truth is, we should know more about the nutritional value in the foods we eat and that includes the calorie count.  Just look at the packaging.  (I will never forget a client of mine saying she used a lot of olive oil in her cooking because it was fat free and had no calories.)  It really helps with your willpower to see a full plate when trying to cut back on calories so find yourself a smaller plate to eat from.

50% of my plate: vegetables

Imagine yourself today:

  • Eating a healthy breakfast (see my Bodeci breakfast sandwich recipe)
  • Tossing or storing some of the piles you have in your most used areas
  • Drinking more water than usual
  • Exercising with more intensity
  • Eating from my 80/20 rule; 80% lean and healthy, 20% "oopsie! I had wine, desert, cheese..."
I don't know about you, but I'm more inclined to savor a bit of cheese or a glass of wine than to have desert.

However, don't these look yummy!
20% of the time, you may not always make the healthiest choice, but, life is too short to say NO all of the time!

Now get off this computer and let's get going towards Fit and Fabulous!


  1. I love your philosophy...especially the part about not saying NO all the time.

  2. I think this is a fabulous way to look at things!

  3. Kalee, I have lived too long to play stupid. I am so over it. I want to live long, but I want to live with joy. xox

  4. OK -- I'm inspired, but I HATE TO COOK! I dislike anything that has to do with food preparation. I don't mind making oatmeal, but after that it's whatever is easy to grab. I wouldn't mind exercising if there was a decent tape to follow for 30 minutes per day. So you see -- I think there is hope. How far back in your posts should I go? I'm going to sign up to follow, and would love for you to do likewise on my blog (provided, of course, that you like the kind of thing I blog about -- techniques to enhance your home and life (not a word about dieting) haha. Perhaps that's what I'm missing, and I would love to have you as a guest blogger, interested? Just name the day, my new friend.

  5. Hi Jan,
    OK, I accept the challenge! Thursdays used to be dedicated to a woman who wrote to me saying "I hate to exercise and sometimes I eat burgers and fries!" Now, I know your situation is a bit different so I will address "I hate to cook!" and "Where is a decent video around here?"
    I'm off to your blog.....
    (I started last Tuesday, "40 days to fit and fabulous". Posts are out every Tuesday, thursday and Saturday) Welcome aboard!

  6. Found your blog just in the nic of time! I just recently put on five pounds UGHHHHHH!!!! I'm going to a special party on the 19th and would luv to drop a few of those sneak-up-on-me pounds....ugly lil' buggers...they puffed up my middle!!!!!!! CHEERS! YEAH for 50% veggies! Michele

  7. You're my new hero. Today I will drink more water, continue organizing and cleaning, eat oatmeal for breakfast, will check out your video on youtube and will DO IT. Those things I will definitely do with enthusiasm. Lunch, dinner, and snacks throw me for a loop. I will continue to read your blog for inspiration.

  8. Dear Pug,
    I look forward to being your coach for the duration. I, too had put on five while schlepping my kids to their colleges and trying to budget. It seemed home cooking really took a toll on me! That said, I am now drinking more water and loading up on vegetables. Working out doesn't have to take more time than you can afford to give it. Pretty soon, you are doing a longer or more intense session because it just plain feels good. xoxox

    Dear Jan,
    Love your blog and found such a wonderful group of women in your circle. I will address the lunch, dinner, snack issues on Thursday. xoxo

  9. Debra, I'm loving this series. It's so motivating. Thank you!

  10. Water seems to be a main feature here and therefore I can't recommend enough the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr Batmanghelidj. You will never need to be persuaded to drink water again after reading this book.
    In fact you will be "terrified" into action ;-)

    Love this post :-)
