Redefine beautiful!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Have you ever felt that way?  Powerless, that is.

We lost power this last weekend.  Fifty-five hours of dark, cold, quiet.. so quiet.

We had a party to go to on Sunday and I felt like my hair was greased to my head.  I'd jumped into our hot tub trying to feel fresh.  Yuck, it was luke warm.  (Get over it, whiner!  There are people in Japan who would give their I-teeth to have your suffering!)

You know what?  The perspective helps, but, let's face facts, it can also make you feel worse that you feel crappy and shouldn't.

This is a photo of myself taken on Monday night.  Randy hooked me up with an ineffective book light we'd purchased the night before.  He finally clipped it to a baseball cap and stuck it on my head so I could read the last pages of the book I'd been reading:  "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest". 

It was interesting;  neighbors, that we had at best perfunctory conversations with before the storm, were suddenly like family.  We shared our "wealth" with each other.  They had the ability to charge my phone in their car, we had a pool, thus water for flushing toilets and bathing.  We also had fire wood and gas in case one wanted to heat a kettle for coffee.  They had a connection with someone at PG&E.  They had a few bottles of wine or vodka.

I thought about my best friend, Celeste, who is so not like me.  She plans for a month's back-packing along the Pacific Coast Trail as a leisure trip.  She lives in a cabin with very little amenities.

Who would I go to if the going got rough?  Her.  She'd put me in perspective.  She'd love it.  Finally a world without the Internet or the comforts of heat warming us without having to haul wood or several blankets draping their weight upon our bodies.

I am spoiled rotten.  I am used to the comforts of being a kid who grew up with mid-century advancements and I have known of nothing else.

I know we must be prepared for the very real possibility of not having power, but that doesn't mean we are powerless.  Take the time to prepare for a life without electricity.  Learn to live without it and to appreciate the amazing sound of nothing.


  1. Yeah...that storm last weekend was a doozy. Trees falling like toothpicks. I was lucky, however. I didn't lose power while folks down the street were trapped in their homes, without power, due to falling trees...a situation that sounds similar to yours. The street is still a mess, with PG&E in attendance. Spring? Not yet.

  2. Hi Debra,

    I know what you mean about being spoiled.

    Since the Japan quake hit, lately when I crawl under my warm covers at night or take a hot shower I feel guilty because I am thinking of the people over there.

    And since we live in earthquake country, I wonder how I would handle something like that happening here.


  3. "We don't know what we've got till we lose it..." or perhaps "We don't know how much we take for granted till its not there". Electricity is one of these things - so frustrating - know exactly what you mean. We are spoiled and we expect things - still, it does make it hard when the power goes out. And just wanted to say you are so talented, looking at your artistic works in the previous post. Such a gift. X

  4. So true, we take for granted what is usual to us (electricity, weather, friends etc'). It's human nature.

    But real nature often sends us a reminder. :(

  5. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It means the world to me.

  6. Perdita, Every time it is nature that slaps us the hardest!

    sacramento, you are so welcome...I will be heading over to your blog regularly!

  7. My autistic child LOVES it when the power goes out and we have to light candles. When it goes on again, he'll go around the house at night turning off lights for days afterwards trying to recreate it. I try to think like him.
